New Techniques for Analysing Axisymmetric Gravitational Systems. 1. Vacuum Fields

A new framework for analysing the gravitational fields in a stationary, axisymmetric configuration is introduced. The method is used to construct a complete set of field equations for the vacuum region outside a rotating source. These equations are under-determined. Restricting the Weyl tensor to type D produces a set of equations which can be solved, and a range of new techniques are introduced to simplify the problem. Imposing the further condition that the solution is asymptotically flat yields the Kerr solution uniquely. The implications of this result for the no-hair theorem are discussed. The techniques developed here have many other applications, which are described in the conclusions.

Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby, New Techniques for Analysing Axisymmetric Gravitational Systems. 1. Vacuum Fields, Class.Quant.Grav. 20, 1077-1102 (2003)