While the early applications of geometric algebra (GA) were confined to physics, there has been significant progress over recent years in applying geometric algebra to areas of engineering and computer science. The beauty of using the same language for these applications is that both engineers and physicists should be able to understand the work done in each others fields. It is the aim of this paper to give brief outlines of the use of GA in the areas of relativity, quantum mechanics and gravitation — all using tools with which anyone working with GA should be familiar. Taking one particular area, multiparticle quantum mechanics, it is shown that the same mathematics may have some interesting applications in the fields of computer vision and robotics.
A.N. Lasenby and J Lasenby, Applications of Geometric Algebra in Physics and Links with Engineering, In: E. Bayro and G. Sobczyk eds. Geometric algebra: a geometric approach to computer vision, neural and quantum computing, robotics and engineering. Birkhauser 2000